Adrienne Raymond, State Representative, Rutland-Windsor
Dear Voters,
My name is Adrienne Raymond and I’m running for House Representative from the
Rutland/Windsor district recently vacated by Logan Nicoll.
I’ve lived in Shrewsbury for most of my life. I moved here when I was 20, married a local boy,
and raised 3 boys here. All of them went to Shrewsbury Elementary and then on to Mill River. I
am now a proud grandmother to 3 almost 4 grandchildren.
My working life has covered a lot of ground. I started my working life as a Pension Analyst for
National Life Insurance Company and after my first son was born and we moved back to
Shrewsbury full-time, I started volunteering and working for the town and schools in a variety
of positions.
When I’m asked why are you running? Are you nuts? My answer: I’ve lived my whole life
filling so many roles: Mother, Wife, School Board Member, School Board Chair, Zoning
Administrator, Justice of the Peace, Lister, Auditor, Animal Control Officer, Four Winds (ELF)
Coordinator, VTVSBA Board Member, Employer Commissioner for Educators’ Healthcare,
Rental Agent for my family’s house rental business, and for the last almost 15yrs, I’ve served as
a Guardian Ad Litem in the Rutland Family Court. All these experiences have given me
perspective and knowledge about the many issues that face our Legislature in this coming
biennium and I want to help them make the right decisions for the people of Mt Holly, Ludlow,
and Shrewsbury.
Sincerely, Adrienne Raymond
[email protected]